Dr David Conforti, FRACP
Dr David Conforti is a member of the Royal Australasian Society of Geriatric Medicine, and is a Senior Lecturer, University of NSW.
David served as Director of Aged Care and Rehabilitation Medicine Liverpool/Fairfield, Acting Deputy Clinical Director Geriatric Medicine (Central and Southern Clusters), Aged Care and Rehabilitation Stream; Western Zone Director of Aged Care SSWAHS Director of Aged Care, and for nearly 20 years was Senior Staff Specialist, Geriatric Medicine at Liverpool Hospital. During this time, he participated in more than 30 advisory committees shaping service delivery across New South Wales. He has contributed to more than twenty publications with an emphasis on the development of assessments, notably co-developing Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS): A Multicultural Mini Mental State Examination.
David is a seasoned Geriatrician who undertakes comprehensive assessments and collaborates with patients and their carers on the development of individualised care plans, including advanced care directives.
“What I find most rewarding is providing patients and families with informed assessments and making it easier for them to make decisions about their care.”
David strives to make patients and carers comfortable with the long assessment and first review. Building on his interest and expertise in developing models of care and services to help older people, he works closely with referring GPs and to ensure well-coordinated ongoing care.
Additional services offered: Mixed billing.
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